Payroll Administration

Payroll Administration

Payroll administration can become a huge administrative burden on any
small to medium enterprise and may even require you to have to employ additional personnel. We administer the payroll of numerous clients on their behalf by:

  • Capturing payroll information onto our legislative compliant software.
  • Calculating earnings, deductions (including statutory deduction) and Net salaries payable.
  • We provide the client with pay slips, Net salaries payable list, earning and deduction reports etc. (reports are based on the individual need of our clients)
  • Calculation PAYE, UIF and SDL (if applicable) on behalf of the client and doing the necessary submission and payment on behalf of the client. (with required authorization)
  • Annual and Bi-annual IRP 5 reconciliations and submissions.
  • UIF administration and registration with the department of labour.
  • Workmen’s compensation commissioner administration and registrations.

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